The Raadha Kalpa method is a pedagogical structure developed for the practice of classical Indian dance forms and Bharatanatyam specifically. This method of practice and training has been developed by Rukmini Vijayakumar through her study of varied knowledge systems over the last 15 years. The method encompasses structured and specifically designed practice that develops awareness of physical alignment through muscular activation and engagement. It progresses to efficient dynamic transfer in the implementation of technique and skill. The traditionally prescribed progression of skill is supplemented with allied exercises that ensure the advancement and inclusion of every type of student. The skills (physicality, aesthetics, rhythm, artistry) are introduced individually and not taught as a finished product during the practice of repertoire. Imagination and creativity are addressed as separate qualities that are necessary for the development of a classical dancer, and exercises to develop specific qualities in these areas are introduced with precision and a well-structured progression of content.
The Raadha Kalpa method is a pedagogical structure that aims to create an efficient, malleable, aligned, and aesthetically coherent body, that holds within it, varied dynamics that are deferred in expression. Neutrality is an essential part of the Radha Kalpa method. The neutral body, informed in any vocabulary allows the maximum possibilities of expression. Neutrality in emotion allows honest response in a character. The method aims to create a dancer that is theoretically knowledgeable and creatively aware, with a mind that allows ideas to soak and flower. It progressively builds the ability to imagine, and respond honestly to imagined circumstances.
Introduction to The Raadha Kalpa Method
Why is the Raadha Kalpa Method unique?
What is The Raadha Kalpa Method?
The Idea of Neutrality
This idea of neutrality is unique to the Raadha Kalpa method, as the idea of a Bani in Bharatanatyam is defined by the embellishment of specific dynamic accents, which the Raadha Kalpa Method is devoid of. The Raadha Kalpa method attempts to separate the adjective from the word, to allow a word to adapt to many different adjectives, thus expanding the possibilities of the Bharatanatyam vocabulary itself.
The neutral body is achieved through a layering of methods that include both physicality and intent. Awareness of the aesthetics of the Bharatanatyam physicality is necessary to enable the intent. The intent is necessary to manifest dynamics. Both go hand in hand, and are developed simultaneously. The physical body, with a perfectly aligned spine and functioning core are essential for developing neutrality.
Neutrality in emotion is a much more difficult state to achieve. It comes from having a coherent imagination and an empty mind devoid of expectations and outcomes from the character portrayed. The RK method prescribes exercises in imagination during the training process to harness emotion , such that the neutral mind becomes accessible to the students of the Raadha Kalpa Method.
How does one learn the Raadha Kalpa Method?
The Raadha Kalpa Method is taught at the LshVa studios in Bangalore on an ongoing basis. Classes and admissions vary each year. Please check the website for details.
Online Subscription Platform
Raadha Kalpa offers a streaming, on demand training program for The Raadha Kalpa Method. The program offers strength and conditioning, dance technique and repertoire. It will help the student progress systematically and see visible changes in their dancing. One’s stamina, physical alignment, strength, and understanding of theory in Bharatanatyam will grow if one is disciplined in following the program. New content and videos are published every two weeks to ensure the progress of the serious student.
On-Going Adult Bharatanatyam Classes
The Adult Bharatanatyam classes in the Raadha Kalpa Method are currently taught through a combination of live online classes and self-study. Aimed at the Intermediate-Advanced student, the classes will interact directly with Rukmini on an ongoing basis, imparting ideas of movement, safe training methods, Abhinaya, Theory, Natyashastra, amongst other aspects of Bharatanatyam. The classes will analyse movement patterns in Adavus while also working on Repertoire. These classes are largely for serious and committed adults and aspiring professionals (Children above 13 yrs are also eligible to apply).
The classes require a minimum commitment of 4 months. Though it is an ongoing course, varied concepts will be dealt with every 4 months.
Professional Training Programs
These programs are long term professional training programs offered to exceptionally talented and very serious students of dance. Admission to these programs is limited to a select number of students. The programs are handled by Rukmini and she takes a personal ongoing interest in every student’s progress. Open to Adults and Children, the CDIP and PTP programs are exclusive to those who want to pursue Bharatanatyam professionally. If you feel you are eligible, you can audition for the program by writing to us with your details and a video link.

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